Friday, September 27, 2013

Who is San Lorenzo Ruiz?

SAN LORENZO RUIZ is known to be as the first Filipino martyr saint. He is loved by millions of Filipino Catholics and other devout Catholics from around the globe. He was canonized as a saint on 8th October 1987 at the Vatican City in Rome by Pope John Paul II.

Let me share what I know about him:


His father was a Chinese and his mother was a Tagala (Filipina). He was born and raised in Binondo, Manila. When he was in Japan being interrogated by the governors in Nagasaki, he declared himself as a 'Filipino from Manila.'


He was educated and influenced mainly by the Dominican priests in Binondo. He learned Spanish and Catechism from them.  He was a lay man who served the church as a an altar boy when he was young, as an Escribano (Transcriber) for the church's official books, and was a member of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. He was a simple family man. A husband to Rosario and a father to their two sons and a daughter. His family lead a generally peaceful, religious and content life.


After he was wrongly accused of murdering a Spaniard, he left the country on board a ship together with three Dominican priests and a lay leper. They left for Okinawa, Japan on 10 June 1636.

Just like the other Filipinos working abroad, he experienced being away from his family so as to survive.


At that time in Japan, the missionary Christians were being captured and persecuted. They were arrested and put into prison. When he was facing trials and torture so that he would renounce Christianity, his body was frail and weak. But, his faith was at its strongest. In his last breath he said:
'I am a Catholic and wholeheartedly do accept death for the Lord; If I had a thousand lives, all these I shall offer to Him.'

He died. But his faith and legacy have lived from then on.

When I was growing up in a small town in Quezon, I could still remember our catechists would tell stories about his martyrdom and every 28th of September, we would always have a big gathering in an auditorium. We would play games and have contests. It was a way of celebrating San Lorenzo's Day.

Then, years passed and I went back to my hometown as a teacher. I didn't know whether it was destined or just by accident. I was assigned to help mount a theatrical production of San Lorenzo Ruiz. I was totally clueless for I didn't know anything about theater. It was not my cup of tea. But, I still went on. I supervised the students during their rehearsals and on the day of the presentation, it was a ------!
Actually, a total fail and mess.

Then something hit me. So, I promised to myself I wanted to make it up.

The following year, I took the steps. I prepared my students to mount a theatrical production that could really move the hearts of those who would see it and really get to know our martyr saint.

On the day of the presentation, it happened. My students and I made something that would always be remembered by the audience. It was remarkable. I felt I was redeemed and I gave justice in showcasing his life.

Many still can't believe that it was my first full-length, hands-on theatrical production knowing that I never got any training in theater. I didn't know where I uprooted the talent and skills. From the script, casts, music to the workshops and rehearsals. I felt there was a different me. What I knew was during my time of preparation and meditation I always would ask San Lorenzo to guide me.

That year of 1997, I just wanted to redeem myself. I just wanted to tell San Lorenzo's story. But, I was given more than that... a talent and skill I would always be grateful for.

Thank you, San Lorenzo Ruiz.

credits to:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Have you seen, Charlie?

He is a typical shy teenage boy who is just starting his high school life. At first glance, he may look very innocent but if you look closely into his eyes there is a deep-seated pain coming from the loss of his best friend who committed suicide and his recurring flashes of visual images of abuse and trauma when he was young.

He has this insatiable desire for reading books and has this talent in writing. He even writes to an imaginary friend maybe as a coping mechanism to the struggle that he is going through. He has this longing for friends whom he can hang out with and who can understand him more closely. Until a group of teens welcomes him and his life's adventure starts to make sense.

I am talking about the character of Charlie in the movie, The Perks of Being a Wall Flower. Honestly, it is one of those movies that has the courage to break the formula of a coming-of-age movie and showcase a depressing character but with a redeeming and positive spirit in the end.

There are many Charlies around us. Those who look totally fine but deep inside there is a ton of burden. They may look frail but they are struggling just to get the strength needed to get by. It only takes the miracle of friendship just to keep the spirit going and eventually finds more colour in this existence we call life.

Let us look for Charlie and extend our friendship to him.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Are you Peter Pan?

The character Peter Pan is a household name. I am sure you have read about him on different children books and watched him animated on television and big screens somewhere along your childhood days to adult years. He is known to be as the mischievous and fearless flying boy who never wants to grow up. He spends his never ending childhood full of fun and adventures together with his friends in a place called Neverland.

Yes, he is a fictional character. But I have met him many times in the flesh.

Peter Pan is character personified whenever I see people who are in their late 20’s or older and yet still unwilling to take on responsibilities seriously. They somewhat think that life is just frolicking under the sun. They cannot strongly commit or keep their promises. Don’t you count on them in doing major tasks that require big responsibilities because you will most likely be disappointed.

On the other hand, Peter Pan is not really bad because he is kindhearted and friendly. You will definitely enjoy hanging out with him. He can play computer games with you 24 hours straight. He can take you on reckless adventures to break your boring and routinary life. He can spend the whole week having a drinking spree talking gibberish just for the sake of companionship.

I have met Peter Pan many times. There was even an instance I saw him while looking at myself in the mirror.